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Pool Sign Up Form   

If you have any questions, please email or call 970-829-1667.

Legal Disclaimer

FEE: The seasonal pool pass is currently offered as a free amenity to all homeowners by the Two Rivers Metropolitan District. At the end of the season, you make keep your key card to use next summer until the terms of the pool change, or until you are no longer a resident of Two Rivers Village. Do not mark on the key card. Damaged or lost key cards will incur a $25 fee.

POOL USE DISCLAIMER: Please note that at the Two Rivers Metro District Community Pool there is no lifeguard on duty. Community members are therefore advised to exercise extreme care when using the swimming pool facilities and swim at their own risk. The Metro District and its staff and agents shall be completely held harmless against any and all liability, loss of life and/or property fees and cost of litigation, resulting from any and all swimming pool accidents or incidents occurring at the Two Rivers Metro District Community Pool. There is a fence/gate surrounding the swimming pool and access cards must be used when entering the pool area and locker rooms. Failure to use your access card or having someone open the gate for you can result in the suspension of pool privileges. Swimming pools can be extremely dangerous for unsupervised children and teenagers, as well as adults swimming alone. Swimming pool accidents can happen to swimmers of any ability, therefore we require that the following TERMS OF USE are strictly adhered to:

TERMS OF USE: Pool hours are from 10am to 8pm daily. Pool use is for registered Two Rivers Homeowners and their household members ONLY. All children under the age of 18, regardless of swimming ability, must be supervised at all times by an adult guardian who can swim and is able to jump into the pool to assist a child in danger of drowning. Doors of the Community Center that lead to the locker rooms must be kept closed AT ALL TIMES. Do not leave any toys in the pool when the pool is not in use. Toys are an invitation for children to explore an unattended pool. No running or jumping around the pool area is permitted. No glass items are allowed in or near the pool. Alcohol and smoking are PROHIBITED. It is expressly forbidden to jump into the pool from any of the balcony areas. For sanitary purposes, we respectfully request that all children that are not fully potty-trained wear swim diapers.

BE ADVISED: The Two Rivers Metro District Community Pool is under 24/7 video surveillance. Violation of any of the TERMS OF USE can result in the immediate loss of pool privileges. (required)

Key cards Key cards will be issued to those Two Rivers Homeowners who registered for the seasonal pool pass.
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